Aviation Highlight: Bonza Airlines

Bonza Airlines is our show case of how a high performing digitally native and customer centric Ultra Low Cost Carrier (ULCC) model of the future should be.
Our newest brand is a shining example of this strategy. Digital, customer-driven, and inspiring travel, Bonza Airlines, may be the most digitally advanced airline in the industry. With its all-inclusive tag “Here for Allstralia,” Bonza will effectively be a digital travel marketplace with wings and offers the largest increase of new cities connected in Australian history.
This is the future of travel that we see – better flights, better prices, and better experiences for everyone.
With its all-inclusive tag, “Here for Allstralia,” Bonza will effectively be a digital travel marketplace with wings and offer a wide range of travel purchases in addition to the core flight embracing the retail opportunity across the customer journey including the underserved inflight touchpoint.
Commencing operations in late 2022 with the largest launch announcement in Australian aviation history the airline will democratise air travel for all Aussies and provide an independent choice to a market long deprived of it.
From Bonza’s initial route network, 80% percent of routes are completely unserved and 96% new to low cost carriers with Bonza opening up entirely new markets for destinations. The network will also increase low-cost carrier operated routes in Australia overall by 40% and follows a global trend of expansion and customer adoption with LCC global market share increasing from 15.7% in 2006 to 35% in 2020.
The brand new fleet of 737 MAX aircraft is the youngest, most technologically advanced and most efficient in Australia, ensuring travel at low prices but with the bar set high on the quality of the experience.
“Bonza legends,” a passionate locally employed team working remotely are supported by a central 777 team across a range of disciplines including commercial partnerships, technology, data science and marketing. Bonza is a great example of our strategy to enter underserved markets, leverage group adjacent synergy as well as offering new customers the chance to travel supported by a digitally native approach and philosophy. This is at the heart of our model and investment thesis.
This is the future of travel that defines our mission - better flights, better prices, and better experiences for everyone.
“We are a business that has become a cause. At the risk of sounding melodramatic, facilitating the movements of people by increasing accessibility and affordability and reducing friction is a cool thing to be a part of,”
Adam Weiss
VP, 777 Partners